by Kiki Cokorinos, Marketing & Communications Intern
1. You’re excited to wake up early on Tuesdays to stop by the fruit trucks before work.
Let’s face it: Tuesday is the best day of the week. You’ll buy kilos of cheap, beautiful fruit brought in straight from the jungle, and wonder how they managed to make a mango taste this good. Chirimoya, where have you been all my life?
2. You’re on a first-name basis with Norma because of how frequently you go for cake.
If you’ve ever tried her chocolate cake, this needs no explanation.
3. You carry at least 3 layers with you everywhere you go, because who knows what the weather will be like today.
Blazing sun, gusting winds, gloomy rain… and that was just in the last hour. If you live in Ollanta, you know how to be prepared—and will probably still wind up carrying that jacket around with you all day.
4. You avoid certain shops, restaurants, etc., because you think they’re “too touristy.”
Because you’re NOT a tourist, you’re NOT just on your way to Machu Picchu; you’re lucky enough to call this beautiful town home. Although deep down you know this notion is ridiculous, and it doesn’t really stop you from going to your favorite pizza place.
5. You’re highly skilled at entertaining yourself without Wi-Fi.
That’s an easy one. Who cares about what’s happening on Facebook when you’re surrounded by these beautiful mountains? Between hiking, cooking, playing cards, and salsa class, you really don’t miss it. Books and movies are constantly getting passed around Awamaki. You can come into the office after hours to use Wi-Fi if you need to, but in no time you’ll find that spending time with people offline is way more fun anyway.
6. You know when to avoid Avenida Ferrocarril according to the train schedule.
This lesson is often learned the hard way, but once you deal with that traffic once you will thereafter consider when the train arrives and leaves for Machu Picchu when planning your trips to Tutti Amore for ice cream or looking for a combi to Cusco.
7. You know how to do your laundry by hand.
Those jokes about kids leaving home and not knowing how to do their own laundry obviously don’t apply to you. You know your way around a washboard and clothesline like nobody’s business. Now if only you could remember to take your clothes inside before it gets cold at night, otherwise you’ll be putting on some ice-cold underwear tomorrow morning.
8. You haven’t stayed up past 10pm in weeks.
But that’s okay because everyone you know is also in bed at this time. And frankly, you’re not mad about it. Who could complain about consistently getting your full 8+hours
9. You have a favorite street dog, and/or a street dog has picked you as their favorite.
Maybe because this dog has walked you home after a late night at the office, maybe because she looks like your childhood dog. Or maybe you dropped a piece of your sandwich one day and this cute dog hasn’t stopped following you. But you’re not mad, look at that face!